Please let us know if you have any other questions by filing out our contact form!
Massage is beneficial for most people, regardless of age, and can address soft tissue issues such as sprains, strains, and sore muscles. However, if you have uncontrolled hypertension, blocked arteries, aneurysms, or hemophilia, please contact us to discuss alternatives to treatment. If you are sick or have a fever, kindly reschedule to prevent spreading illness to others. Massage is also safe during pregnancy, and alternatives can be provided—please inform your therapist if you might be pregnant. All health information is kept confidential.
Your comfort and safety are our priority. You may remove as much clothing as you feel comfortable with. During the treatment, you will be fully covered with a sheet and blanket, with only the area being treated uncovered. Your therapist will review this with you before and during your session, and you will have complete privacy to undress before and after treatment.
Massage therapy should not be painful. While there may be moments of discomfort or brief pain during treatment, particularly if you have an injury or it has been a while since your last session, you should always communicate with your therapist about any discomfort. We aim to provide treatments that suit your needs without causing stress or pain.